A friend of mine challenged me to follow in her footsteps and make 28 goals to accomplish in my 28th year. Considering I am staring at a new beginning, I thought it was a fabulous idea. I will share these goals with you now and as I accomplish them I will share it here. Since my birthday is 10 days before the end of the year these goals are going to be my New Year's resolutions in no particular order:
1. Go back to school
2. Decide where to live
3. Exercise Regularly
4. Learn to overcome some of my OCD tendencies
5. Visit home more often
6. Potty train Zoe!!!
7. Read 100 books
8. Take more pictures than last year (especially of Paige)
9. Replace porch light bulb (there is a story here)
10. Get my piano tuned
11. Play piano 2-3 times per week
12. Play flute 2-3 times per week
13. Sing full voiced as often as possible
14. Do one public music performance
15. Take walks regularly
16. Learn the guitar
17. Be happy with myself
18. Read scriptures daily
19. Pray morning and night (at least)
20. Learn to be on time
21. Go to the temple once a month
22. Drink 64 ounces of water daily on a regular basis
23. Start writing poetry again
24. Find a place to go swing dancing and try to go often
25. Look for opportunities to provide service and take them!
26. Go rock climbing
27. Eat at least 1 serving of fruit and vegetables every day
28. Quit my nervous habit
Some of these are goals I have to work up to, some are easy, some are really hard. This should be an interesting year...but no matter what I think I will be better for it!
I think that this is a great thing to do. I'd have to come up with so many at this point, that I wouldn't know where to start. I'll be 46 on my birthday. haha You're wise to do this while you're young. :)
Posted by: Suzanne McClendon | June 29, 2011 at 06:02 PM
Haha, I was thinking about that. Some of these might end up taking a life time...perhaps I can just add and adjust as I get older.
Posted by: Katrina | June 29, 2011 at 06:08 PM
I think this are great life goals. Not just for your 28th year!
Your daughter is absolutely adorable and happy birthday to her!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Maria xx
Posted by: Maria | July 01, 2011 at 11:33 PM