It's hard to believe I'm almost halfway through this pregnancy. Time has flown by. I thought, because I found out so soon after conceiving, that the pregnancy would last forever. This is not the case. While we certainly planned on having a baby, I'm beginning to be alarmed at how soon the due date is coming. We have very little right now as far as baby stuff is concerned. I know that we'll probably get everything done in time, but I worry about it anyway.
Pregnancy has been relatively easy for me. I am so grateful for that. The hardest thing is that I am a 3 meals a day type person. All these small meals/ snacks and being hungry all the time is very foreign to me and I sometimes worry I'm not eating enough. My tummy has gotten big enough that people have started noticing it. With that and the little nudges from baby, I'm really starting to feel like this is more real. There is nothing to describe the feeling of that tiny person moving inside you. It is strange and amazing and impossible to describe. I laugh out loud many times a day because of this movement, especially when I have sugar or a little caffeine and the baby goes crazy.
Baby is now roughly 14 cm long and weigh seven ounces. Baby is starting to hear sounds and is getting big enough that the movements I feel are more like tiny kicks than flutters. It's exciting how much baby progresses every week. One more week until we'll know whether baby is a boy or a girl!
Gosh I can't believe how fast time has flown .. do you have a "feeling" yet about what the baby is, boy or girl?
Posted by: SoPretty | January 31, 2008 at 08:54 AM